BTS’s Tweets For Suga’s Birthday

Every year BTS’s members always remember to tweet for Suga’s birthday, whether it’s just a short message or photo and video. Let’s see what they wrote for Suga each year!
J-hope was the first one who tweeted for Suga’s birthday. He impersonated the tired producer Suga, with the hashtag #SyubForce #MinSwagDay.
#슙기력 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ 작업 하느라 힘든 형 빙의 @ㅠ@
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2014
RM also posted a tweet. He said “If it’s Suga hyung it’s definitely twinkle right ke”
#슙기력 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ 슈가형 하면 트윙클이지 ㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2014
Jin, who is bad at doing syub-face.
#슙기력 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
슙기력하니 진짜 못생겼네..ㅠㅠ— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2014
Jimin’s hashtag is funny, #SyubRottenSmile.
#슙썩소 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2014
V, who doesn’t want to be left out, so here it is!
#슙기력 #슈가형생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2014
Jung Kook imitating Suga’s pick up line “leave your 4th finger empty.. Happy birthday hyung!”.
네번째 손가락은 비워둬.. 형 생일 축하 드려요! #슙오글 #슈가형생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2014
Later, Jin uploaded a picture with Suga’s post it. The translation of the post it: “I’ll call you”. By ‘you’” and that’s why Jin wrote “Can you call me ‘hyung’..”
형이라해줄래.. #슈가포잇
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2014
Ji Min followed Jin, tweeting that he got a post it note with the message “Don’t lose weight”.
아 지민인데요~ 저도 받았었어요~ㅎㅎ 기분좋고 설렌 메시지였죠~~
"살빼지마"ㅋㅋㅋㅋ#슈가포잇— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2014
J-hope also “Got em”.
#슈가포잇 잡았으~ @,@ b
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2014
On the night, Jin made seaweed soup for Suga’s birthday!
생일엔 미역국이죠— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2014
Ji Min, the first one who impersonated motionless Suga, followed by Jin, J-hope, RM, Jung Kook, and last one, V. Of course they wished Suga a happy birthday with this hashtag #슈가생일ㅊㅋ!
침기력. 생일 많이 축하해요~#슈가생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2015
아….무기력 하고싶다
슈가야 생일 축하해
사랑해#슈가생일ㅊㅋ— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2015
#슈가생일ᄎᄏ 일어나~~~~~~~~~~요 생일축하해염~~
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2015
#슈가생일ᄎᄏ ??
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2015
아 슈가형 생일에는 졸리군요. #슈가생일ᄎᄏ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2015
난 진짜 자는연기 잘하는듯 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2015
Suga is actually a great dancer. J-hope posted a video of Suga dancing. He used the hashtag #윤기생일ᄎᄏ for Suga’s birthday, and #호비_외장하드, which means #Hobi_HardDisk
민윤기 댄스 전성기 #윤기생일ᄎᄏ #호비_외장하드
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
Suga (acted) angry, he called J-hope to his room because the hashtag didn’t match the content. Sope just so cute!
정호석 왜 해시태그 안맞추냐 내 방으로 와라
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
Suga’s roommate (Jin) posted handsome photos of Suga.
#슈가생일ㅊㅋ 안녕 잘생긴 윤기 형 이제 운동 끝났으니 갈게. 넌 내 하나뿐인 룸메 세상에 딱 하나
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
Ji Min was so brave for posting sleeping Suga and drawing him. He also asked Suga to treat BTS to a meal!
생일축하해요 한턱내시죠#JIMIN#슈가생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
Meanwhile, V tweeted two blank videos to make ARMY curious and then he posted two videos of dancing Suga. Seriously, Suga is a great dancer.
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
#슈가생일ㅊㅋ 자가자!
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
가자 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
#슈가생일ㅊㅋ 가자
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
RM followed along, he wrote a long message instead of sending bizarre picture of Suga. Wanna know the translation? Here it is…. Even though the message is pretty much a joke…
Even though you’re sometimes like an old person
Even though you’re sometimes like a grandpa
But because he calls himself a genius so much, I think he really is a genius
Happy birthday to our Suga hyung
He’s cool sometimes. Everyone, you can’t believe it yourself right?
It’s the truth (though)
He’s cool sometimes
Even though it’s sometimes
He’s really cool
He’s really like a genius
He’s really .. not an angel but he’s like a genius
As expected, Suga hyung looks the coolest when he’s in the studio
Happy birthday to Suga hyung and
Hyung is really cool
Happy birthday
– RM
엽사 대신 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
An anonymous tweet, which we can guess came from Jung Kook, posted a photo saying that Suga is cool!
멋있다— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2016
J-hope posted a few pictures of he and Suga from 2013 – 2017, with the hashtag #홉필름 or #HopeFilm. The first one is when they finished practice in summer 2011. They look like babies! And of course, this hashtag is always there for all of Suga’s birthdays, #슈가생일ᄎᄏ.
2011년 7월 무더운 여름날 연습 끝내고 !!— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
This was when they watched Eminem’s concert in 2012.
#홉필름 #슈가생일ᄎᄏ
2012년 8월
Eminem 내한 온 날 !!
비 맞으면서 미치도록 뛴 날 !!— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
The photo that J-hope took around fall 2013, with SyubEnergy. “Syub Energy” is Suga’s nickname when he seems like he’s all tired out.
#홉필름 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
2013년 가을쯤…
같이 찍은 사진 겨우 찾음 내 셀카밖에 없음…
이때부터 슙기력 시작— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
2014, in Han River. J-hope wrote they tried to look cool, but failed. How adorable!
#홉필름 #슈가생일ᄎᄏ
2014년 한강 나들이
왜 이때 연습생 같냐… 쌩얼이라 그런가 …
폼좀 잡아보자고 찍었는데 드릅게 멋 없네— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
In 2015, when they were supposed to take a group picture on a stage, but ended up just capturing two of them.
#홉필름 #슈가생일ᄎᄏ
2015년 !!! 언제인지 모르겠다
공연장 위에서 단체셀카 찍으려고 찍었는데 이렇게 단둘이 찍힘… 몽미….— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
And next, in 2016 when they were getting ready before the start of Hwagae Market place.
#홉필름 #슈가생일ᄎᄏ
2016년 화개장터 시작 전
준비중……. #슬슬힘듬 ……— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
Last one, 2017! Pink-haired J-hope sincerely wishes his hyung a happy birthday!
#홉필름 #슈가생일ᄎᄏ
2017년 ~ing
형 !! 생일 진심 축하-끝-
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
Ji Min promised to gave Yoon Ji (girl version of Yoon Gi) a gift when she woke up. Yoon Ji is distracting, she is so beautiful.
잘 자고 있는 윤지야
일어나면 선물줄게 빨리 일어나
생일 축하해 #JIMIN#슈가생일ㅊㅋ— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
His roommate posted a picture of Suga and J-hope eating.
생일 축하행 윤기야 -룸메이트님께서
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2017
Good luck to read the 77-second message from Jung Kook. He also inserted Suga’s iconic audition video and a few other clips.
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2017
Jung Kook teased Suga’s height and asked him to treat him a meal. He said that sashimi was okay but lamb skewers were good, too. Also grilled pork belly is good, too, since he put a lot of effort in making this video. Check out more about the translation of video here!
“Ah, so pretty” – V. Yoon Ji who look looking so similar to his brother Yoon Gi.
Last one, because RM didn’t post a bizarre photo of Suga last year, then he searched for a few old picture of Suga to post today!
#몬 #옛윤기를찾아서..
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2017
RM posted his drawing of Koya and Shooky (BTS’S BT21 character) and also wrote #슈가생일ㅊㅋ as usual on Suga’s birthday.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #슈가생일ㅊㅋ
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
Another video of dancing Suga, Ji Min who posted that. Suga dancing to Best of Me.
아따 춤 잘춘다#JIMIN#슈가생일ㅊㅋ#윤기댄스
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
This is the thread between Suga and Ji Min about that video. Suga’s response to the video, “I’m dancing well why are you laughing ㅡㅡ I got surprised while working Kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke”
춤 잘추네 왜 웃냐 ㅡㅡ 작업하다 놀랐넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -SUGA-
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
“Wait, seriously, I’m dancing better than I thought? Don’t laugh Park Jiminie, if it’s to this degree, aren’t (I part of) the dancing line” -Suga
아니 진짜 내 생각보다 잘 추는데? 웃지마라 박지미니 이 정도면 댄스라인아니냐
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
Ji Min replied to him, “Yeah, acknowledged keke you dance well kekeke ke I was surprised while I was watching it again kekeke
응 인정 ㅋㅋ 잘 추네 ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ나도 다시 보면서 놀랬음 ㅋㅋㅋ #JIMIN
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
Lastly Suga wrote “Yes^^ I’m going to go get (you) now^^“.
네^^ 지금 잡으러 갑니다^^
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
Jin seems kinda joking while wishing Suga a happy birthday.
음하하하하 윤기야 생일축하한다
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
Hobi’s tweet for Suga! This cute picture is from RUN BTS!
생일축하해 형🎉 -호석이-
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
An anonymous tweet of Suga doing a funny pose! He’s so cute!
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2018
This looked like a dead body, but it’s actually Suga who was sleeping in the sand. V posted this and he wrote “Deep slumber🐯”.
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2018
J-hope was the first one again who tweeted for Suga’s birthday. He included some pictures of him and Suga and also a chat screenshot of him saying “Happy birthday hyung” and Suga replied “thanks!”. Hobi added the hashtag#SOPEworld and #HappySUGAday
생.축.형 🥳 #HappySUGAday #솝월드
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2019
Ji Min sent his love by making a cute video. In the video he said “Hyung-nim, Happy Birthday, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!“. In the caption, Ji Min asked if Suga read his text.
생일 축하해요 형😍👏🎂
문자 읽으셈#JIMIN#슈가생일ㅊㅋ— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2019
“Happy Bday Yoongi. We’re close, ah we’re really close“, Jin wrote like that to prevent ARMY from speculating that they are not close because Suga only replied with T Y (Thank you) on kakao talk.
윤기 생일ㅊㅋ 저희 친해여 아 진짜 친함
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 8, 2019
RM posted a drawing again this year, but for today Koya ate Shooky. This is so adorable!
윤기야 형이야 생일축하한다 #남준 #슈가생일ㅊㅋ #냠냠 #마이따 #얌얌
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2019
V asked Suga to say I love you more often because it’s nice to hear that. Along with that he posted a few photos of really, really handsome Suga.
생일축하해 사랑한다고얘기들으니 좋으네 자주해줘
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2019
Suga’s lamb-skewers mate, Jung Kook, was the last one who wished him a happy birthday!
#슈가생일ㅊㅋ 양꼬치 먹으러 가시죠 형님
— 방탄소년단 (@BTS_twt) March 9, 2019