The Under19 Trainee Impression

As for the trainees impressions, most of them were taken by surprise when their special guest mentor came into the class. Let’s look at Kai’s appearance, first. When the trainees first met him, all their eyes started to glow because they couldn’t believe one of the best male K-pop dancers in the industry was going to teach them.
They also seemed very nervous when Kai was first evaluating their dances, but finally they seemed happy and relieved when it went well. While he was teaching the choreography for GROWL, the trainees were really concentrating and working hard to memorize the dance steps that Kai was showing them. At the end of the class, the trainees were happy when Kai gave them an advice not just for their performance, but also about how idol life works.
Here are a few clips of Kai with the trainees:
The first meeting with Under Nineteen trainees
Kai giving some sweet advice to the trainees, how adorable he is, right?
In the other class, where the trainees were learning the choreography for Fake Love, they were shocked and surprised when BTS’s main dancer, J-Hope, suddenly walked into the room. Many of the trainees said that their dreams were coming true because most of them really wanted to meet J-Hope.
When he asked them to perform the dance they’d been practicing, they were all really nervous since he was monitoring them. One of the trainees who covered as J-Hope, named Sang Min, was very shy when J-Hope said that he felt more connected with him. Sang Min wiped his hand first when J-Hope approaching him to touch his hands. After that, the other trainees wanted to hold Sang Min’s hand, but he balked and said that he didn’t want to wash his hand because of that precious moment for him.
There was another trainee, Jeon Do Yeom, who got praise from J-Hope for how well he sang Jimin’s part in Fake Love. He was so happy he even knelt down. Here are the moments:
With Sang Min
With Jeon Do Yeom
Behind the scenes, J-hope brought the trainees some snack and drinks. All the trainees started asking him if he would sign their shirt or name tags. Seeing their pure reaction to it, J-Hope said he thought they were cute. How J-Hope treated the trainees was really sweet.