Public Impressions for Kai and J-Hope on Under19

AfterKai and J-Hope appeared on Under Nineteen, there was a lot of positive feedback about their episode, and their appearance also made the public become more interested in the show.. Netizens gave their impressions about both of the special mentors.
About Kai, they said he showed a warm and welcoming charm to the trainees by smiling a lot and also cracking little jokes to make the atmosphere more comfortable. Netizens were also impressed that instead of just being seen a mentor, Kai wanted the trainees to look up to him more as a hyung, which made the viewers see him as a mature yet humble hyung figure for the Under Nineteen trainees.

As for BTS’s main dancer, J-Hope, netizens said they felt a professional dance-trainer aura from him while teaching and monitoring the trainees. But aside from that, J-Hope also grabbed public attention for being super-kind by bringing a snack and drinks for the trainees. He also showed fond interaction by holding their hands and giving them a lot of advice and support.