DK’s Discography
Studio Albums
Title | Album Details |
Welcome Back | Released on October 1st, 2015 (Half-Album)
Label: YG Entertainment Format: CD, Digital download |
Welcome Back | Released on December 24, 2015 (Full-Album)
Label: YG Entertainment Format: CD, Digital download |
Year | Title |
2013 | Just Another Boy |
2014 | Climax |
2014 | Wait For Me |
2015 | My Type |
2015 | Rhythm Ta |
2015 | Airplane |
2015 | Anthem |
2015 | Apology |
2015 | What’s Wrong |
Year | Title |
2015 | Dumb & Dumber |
2016 | It’s Love |
Chart Singles
Year | Title |
2015 | Today |
2015 | Back |
2015 | M.U.P |
Latest Work with iKon
DK has been involved in iKon’s songs and albums. Watch his performance here:
Here are pictures from some of DK’s performances with iKon!

Get To Know DK’s Family!

DK’s father passed away when he was eight years old. Since then, DK has lived with his mother and his younger sister, Kim Esther. His sister is still in school.

His younger sister often shares their moments together oin her Instagram account. It seems like they’re kind of sibling goals, right?

DK was really loves his family. You could tell, even before the WIN final, when DK visited his father’s cemetery and prayed there before the final. DK also revealed that if his younger sister was going to have a boyfriend, he would choose B.I. for his sister, even though his sister’s said that she was a fan of iKon’s Yunhyeong.