Let’s Find Out About Relationship Between Girl’s Day’s So-jin and Eddy Kim, Also Her Full Profile and Latest News

So-jin’s Instagram Feeds

So-jin always updates her fans through her Instagram account. Are you following her? Let’s take a look at the ten latest posts on her Instagram!




So-jin’s Most Recent News

It’s 2019 now, does Girl’s Day have plans for the coming year?

Girl’s Day made a comeback with Everyday #5, which was released last year. The title track of this comeback was “I’ll Be Yours”, which debuted on the Billboard chart at number seven. But DAI5Ys have be patient a while longer, because there’s no news about the group’s comeback this year. Yu-ra, the rapper of the group, stated that they really want to have another comeback, but they have some difficulties due to their hectic personal schedules.

Let’s have a little flashback of their latest comeback. Have you watched and listened to the song? If you haven’t, check out the music video below!