Kim Soo-hyun and Jun Ji-hyun in My Love From The Star

Next one, another sensational off-screen couple, Kim Soo-hyun and Jun Ji-hyun through My Love From The Star! Through the drama series, Kim Soo-hyun was roled as Do Min-joon, meanwhile Jun Ji-hyun was roled as Cheon Song-yi. The drama has been released since 2013 and it has 21 episodes as well.
My Love From The Star was a fantasy-romance drama and told a story about Do Min-joon who was an alien who went to earth during Joseon Dynasty. But he also has perfect appearance as a human beings, and he was forcing to take different new identity every tean years, since he was never getting old before he went back to space.
In human world, Do Min-joon was becoming a college professor. And right before his departure to space, Do Min-joon was met Cheon Song-yi, his next door neighborhood and also a famous actress. Cheong Song-yi was reminded him with a woman he once fell in love with, and even though he tried to avoiding Cheong Song-yi, eventually both of them were fell in love and involved in a relationship.
The chemistry between Kim Soo-hyun and Jun Ji-hyun through My Love From The Star was becoming really popular, since their love was looked as real as possible! Even both of their fans also shipped them and hope that both of them were might be a real couple one day.
Let’s take a look at some of scene between Kim Soo-hyun and Jun Ji-hyun through My Love From The Star here:

Kim Soo-hyun and Gong Hyo-jin in The Producer

Next, we have Kim Soo-hyun and Gong Hyo-jin in the series The Producer! It was released on 2015 and has 12 episodes. Through the series, Kim Soo-hyun was roled as Baek Seung-chan, meanwhile Gong Hyo-jin was roled as Tak Ye-jin. The Producer was told a story about the entertainment life, started from the artists, the crews, the directors, and the other details as well!
There’s also Baek Seung-chan who used to be a prosecutor, but then he went to worked as PD in KBS because his secret crush was there, but unfortunately the girl he has been chasing for already had a boyfriend. Baek Seung-chan was becoming a PD for the variety and entertainment division. Meanwhile, Tak Ye-jin was an experienced PD who already worked in a music program for a long time, she also known as a person who smart but also arrogant sometimes.
But eventually, both of Baek Seung-chan and Tak Ye-jin were involved in romance relationship, since they were met in KBS company. Their relationship was another kind of noona romance with dongsaeng, and also Tak Ye-jin was Baek Seung-chan’s senior in their office. Baek Seung-chan was revealed his feelings toward Tak Ye-jin by kissing her accidentally.
The chemistry between Kim Soo-hyun and Gong Hyo-jin through this drama are pretty good, since Kim Soo-hyun was becoming an innocent guy here meanwhile Gong Hyo-jin who was becoming the smart and haughty PD senior in The Producer, their chemistry becoming related and good toward each other!
Let’s take a look at some of scene between Kim Soo-hyun and Gong Hyo-jin through The Producer here:

Kim Soo-hyun and Sulli in Real

Last but not least, there’s Kim Soo-hyun and Sulli through their performance in Real! In the movie Real, Kim Soo-hyun was roled as Jang Tae-yeong, meanwhile Sulli was roled as Song Yoo-hwa. The movie has been released since 2017 and obviously got a lot of positive compliment from their fans as well!
Real was told a story about Jang Tae-yeong who was famously known as a guy who had such a big ambition to build up a casino. He has a woman personal assisant, Song Yoo-hwa who always next to him and help him in every occasion. She was also known as a beautiful and sexy assistent, and when Jang Tae-yeong had involved in accident and lost his memory, Song Yoo-hwa was there to help her boss at that time. Their relation wasn’t just about a boss and his assistant, but Jang Tae-yeong and Song Yoo-hwa also involved in such a romance relationship.
Through the movie, there’s a lot of romance scene even some of adult-romance scene where Kim Soo-hyun and Sulli have to be looked as real as possible, and of course, they did it very well!
Let’s take a look at some of scene between Kim Soo-hyun and Sulli through Real here:

And well, that was all of the information about Kim Soo-hyun and some of his co-workers throughout the K-Dramas! We all know that Kim Soo-hyun was already paired up with some of beautiful and talented actresses, and people also had their own thoughts about Kim Soo-hyun’s chemistry along with those of actresses as well. But still, all of the actresses who once being paired up with Kim Soo-hyun also has their own charasteristic which also made their chemistry with Kim Soo-hyun was amazing! Let’s always supporting Kim Soo-hyun and the other actresses, and also let’s wait for another project from them!
Byeol Korea has introduced you Kim Soo-hyun and his chemistry with those actresses, so don’t forget to tell us your thoughts about that by left a comment down below!