Kim Yoo-jung and Yoon Kyun-sang’s Off-screen Moments
Kim Yoo-jung and Yoon Gyun-sang did not only share some cute and romantic moments on-screen but also off-screen. They seem to be friendly with each other and always engage in some sort of game or inside jokes. Check out some of their friendly off-screen moments below!
As seen in the videos above, they are both friendly with each other but maintain an air of professionalism during their shoots, expertly going back and forth between their roles and themselves. The first video shows them messing and joking around as they shoot a scene at the train station, traversing between the crowds. They even had some time to themselves where they did a quick game of arm wrestling.
The second video focuses more on their romantic scene in the theater, as mentioned above, where they had to shoot a kiss scene, one of the first in the drama. Before their shoot inside of the theater itself, they had to shoot a scene outside which entails their actual meet up and them ordering some food. The two enjoyed joking around and taking selfies in between takes, as well as making fun of the extras tasked to serve them their popcorn and coke.
Different from their shoot outside, their shoot inside in the theater was a lot more intimate and demanded a lot of chemistry for them to pull off their kiss naturally. While the staff prepared the camera set up and lighting, the two enjoyed their time acting as if they were riding a rollercoaster and joking around with each other. When it was time to shoot, they did several practice runs to figure out the correct hand placement and alignment of their bodies. This resulted in a very quick and natural kissing scene, with no retakes.
Below are two more kissing scenes that they shot outside of their kiss in the theater!
Kim Yoo-jung and Yoon Gyun-sang revealed their secret to a very close relationship on Knowing Bros, as part of their promotion for their drama, Clean with Passion for Now. During their introductions, the regular cast members asked them about their relationship off-screen and how they got closer to one another. They revealed that they had met each other for the first time through the drama and had quite the interesting first impression of one another.
Yoon Gyun-sang stated, “I was really worried about how I should approach her because although I’m older than her, she’s been in the acting industry a lot longer than I have. But she helped chase those worries away when she approached me first and said, ‘I’m going to call you hyung (older brother), so please feel free to act comfortably around me.” This is very reasonable in the Korean culture, they tend to respect seniors who have honed the craft longer in favor of age, making their age difference and career experience that much more staggering.
The cast then redirected the question to Kim Yoo-jung herself, as to why she prefers to call Yoon Kyun-sang hyung and not oppa, she revealed, “Hyung is the term I normally use. Because I’ve been acting from such a young age, I found it difficult to transition from calling people samchon (uncle) to calling them oppa. So I either use formal titles or I call them hyung. It seems to make people feel more at ease too.”
Now that you have seen them both on and off-screen, what do you think about Kim Yoo-jung and Yoon Kyun-sang’s chemistry in Clean with Passion For Now? Did you enjoy Kim Yoo-jung acting in a more mature role? Do you think the steamy scenes were a little bit too much for a cable drama? Comment your thoughts and opinions in the section below!