Mina Receives Death Threat

For those who don’t know, Ilbe is an online community that includes users with far-right political views who often post hate-filled content. In May, 2017, a community user from Ilbe sent a death threat to TWICE’s Mina, writing “If you don’t slap your boyfriend and rip his mouth apart, I’ll come and kill you” and posting a disturbing image next to the message.
The post was rapidly removed, but screenshots of it made their way across different online communities. Subsequently, the Ilbe user submitted an apology letter to Mina and TWICE’s fans, stating that “[they] wrote the post without considering that it would be a direct danger to the individual concerned and cause fear. [They] would like to beg forgiveness as [they] pathetically apologize to the fans of Mina and TWICE after realizing late that this caused a wonderful shock.”
JYP Entertainment released an official response in reaction to the threatening message, saying that the company intends to take legal action against Ilbe’s offending user.
Here’s the complete official statement from JYP:
“Hi, this is JYP Entertainment.
Having discussed the post created on May 13, 2017, by an Ilbe user containing a death threat against TWICE’s Mina with our legal team, we relay that we are going to file civil and criminal suits. There’s not going to be leniency. We will also take a strong position in the future against comparable occurrences with the help of all possible aspects of legal intervention.”
What do you think about it?