All About Member of ARGON, Roel (Profile, Facts, Birthday, Religion, Personality, and Instagram)

ARGON’s Roel & Gon’s Cover Song Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang

Aside of focus fancam, ARGON’s Roel also stole everyone’s heart through his amazing vocal performance! It also happened when ARGON was became the guest star on Idol Radio, then ARGON’s Roel and ARGON’s Gon were showcases their songs cover of Eyes, Nose, Lips which originally sung by BIG BANG’s Taeyang.

Both of Roel and Gon were appeared with casual style, but still as good-looking as ever! Then this time, Roel was looking with his ‘pure’ and ‘innocent’ guy as his hair becoming darker than his usual light blonde hair! Right after ARGON’s Roel has started his part, the atmosphere was felt different. With his soft and deep voice, ARGON’s Roel was definitely knew how to amazed people!

Moreover, the mixture of Roel and Gon’s voice were sounded really appealing, which made people who heard it also felt the emotion within Eyes, Nose, Lips’ song as well! When the high-notes part was came, Roel and Gon also proven that their amazing vocal skills is no joke at all.

Even after their performance was finished, the host of Idol Radio and other ARGON member also admire their songs cover! It seemed like Roel and Gon were performing wholeheartedly and cherish every moment of their performance, right?


ARGON’s Roel’s YamYamSong

Do you want to know the cuteness of ARGON’s Roel! We will give you the answer here! Through one of the video from Makestar, there was ARGON’s Roel’s cuteness appearance while he sang Yam Yam Song!

Instead of looking charismatic or cool, Roel was show-off another side of him which contained of cuteness overload! Not only that, we could saw a bunch of aegyo moments from ARGON’s Roel! The way he made finger hearts, the way his eyes winked, and also another cute pose as well!

Watch the Yam Yam Song by ARGON’s Roel here:

Latest News

ARGON's Roel

Let’s catching up with latest news of ARGON’s Roel! Recently, he got a lot of attention after joined the Summer Hate challenge with ARGON’s Yeoun! Basically, it was one of the hit song from Korean rapper Zico. The video was posted through ARGON’s official TikTok account, @official_argon! With that challenge video, Roel was looking as cute as ever, not to mention those of adorable dimples on his cheeks!

The fans also getting really excited with the Summer Hate challenge from Roel and Yeoun, since they also re-post it through their fan account as well! Watch the video here:

Meanwhile, there was also his updates from ARGON social media such as Instagram and Twitter, and let’s take a look on it:

Even during rainy day, ARGON’s Roel show his concern towards the fans!

We are proudly present the cute prince named Roel!

ARGON’s Roel was looking effortlessly adorable with the pajamas, right?

Another cute image from ARGON’s Roel! Although he was known for charming and sexy voice, but his image was more likely had those adorable vibes, right?

That’s All About Member of ARGON, Roel (Profile, Facts, Birthday, Religion, Personality, and Instagram). I hope you get more information about your idol and Korean entertainment. There is a lot more information about it in Byeol Korea. So, don’t miss it! If you have some questions or want to add additional information please put the comment below.