Crown J’s Latest Song
As a result of his scandal related to marijuana, Crown J has been on a hiatus for a while now. The most recent song he has released is actually titled “Made It” and it was released shortly after his collaboration with Seo In Young for the song titled “The Best.”
Latest News of Crown J
Rapper Crown J has been on a hiatus from the music industry due to the marijuana-related scandal. He is planning to release one song every month. There is also a rumor that he will sign with a new agency but this has not been confirmed yet. Crown J made a comeback with the song “Hajima” which in English means “Don’t.” That’s all about rapper Crown J and the story of his career. Cheering for Crown J and his career in the music industry and anything he wants to pursue.
That’s Get Closer to Korean Rapper Crown J (Profile, Facts, Discography, and Latest News). I hope you get more information about your idol and Korean entertainment. There are a lot of more information about it in Byeol Korea. So, don’t miss it! If you have some questions or want to add additional information please put the comment below.