Sechs Kies Sunghoon’s Departure

Previously, he was involved in some scandals. First, he was accused in fan meeting scam that stole money from Taiwanese fans. Taiwan’s media keeps bringing down Sunghoon to play the story. A rumor also spread that Sunghoon’s fans club, Hoony World, were the ones in charge of the fan meeting. Fans suspected Sunghoon and the club work together for this fan meeting scam, as Sunghoon rumored to be dating one of the Hoony World’s admin.
Due to the heat up situation, Kang Sunghoon released his statement. He said, “The company holding the event, Forever 2228, tried to continue with the event, even if it meant that we would be losing money. However, the Taiwanese company tricked us, so the Taiwanese government denied our visa applications. That’s the fact.” He continued, “I’ll continue to keep updated on this issue to make sure it gets resolved, so please don’t stress over this and wait for me to give you an update at a later time.” Well, let’s hope the truth will be revealed soon.
Not only that fan meeting scam, but Sunghoon was also caught up in more scandals. His ex-manager reported Sunghoon and his female stylist for breaking and entering his house. The situation seemed already settled down after the police arrived, but the witness said that Sunghoon and the stylist began harassing the ex-manager as soon as the police left, resulting the second batch of policemen to come again to the scene. The case continued in the term of law.

The police discovered that the motivation behind Sunghoon’s case is his ex-manager is the key suspect in his recent fraud scandal, the fan meeting scam. Kang Sunghoon and his stylist had repeatedly requested to meet the ex-manager since he left the agency back in August.
Due to his scandals, Sunghoon was in indefinite hiatus. After the Sechs Kies members uploaded photos from their 2019 Season’s Greeting, the fans speculated Sunghoon’s departure because it only consisted of four members.

Sunghoon also caught to unfollowed Sechs Kies members on Instagram, as well as Yang Hyun-suk’s. But, Jiwon and Suwon still follow him, while Jaeduck not following anyone and Jaejin doesn’t own Instagram account. Due to this rumors, YG Entertainment has not released the clarification yet because Sechs Kies are preparing for their concert.
Sechs Kies Member Instagram Feeds
1. Jiwon
Catch him up at @1_kyne_g1
Jiwon’s update in Christmas 2018.
The controversial Sechs Kies 2019 Season Greeting photos.
2. Suwon
Catch him up @suwonjang
Suwon’s car selfie.
More 2019 Season Greeting’s photos.
3. Jaeduck
Catch him up at @dtizsli
(almost) new year post from Jaeduck.
His dog wearing the Sally Duck shirt, how cute!
4. Sunghoon
Catch him up at @kang.s.h.0222
Last photo of Sunghoon on December 7, 2018. He must be hiatus from social media too due to his scandals.
Sunghoon’s apology letter to Yellow Kies, especially Hoony Worlds.
That’s All About The First Generation K-Pop, Sechs Kies (Profile, Facts, Disbandment, and Instagram). I hope you get more information about your idol and Korean entertainment. There are a lot of more information about it in Byeol Korea. So, don’t miss it! If you have some questions or want to add additional information please put the comment below.