Collaboration of the Century
The so-called “Collab of the century,” featuring rapper BeWhy and SHINee’s Taemin has brought magic to the stage. This time, we will learn more about South Korean rapper Kim Byung-yoon, known as BeWhy, and his collaboration with SHINee’s Taemin.
Are you curious and want to find out more about the story behind the pair? Stay tuned!
Taemin, Why BewhY?
In the 6th episode of The Call, before SHINee’s Taemin joined the force to collaborate on a song with BewhY, he performed in some kind of audition to win The Call’s judge’s hearts. These judges will later be his trainers. This audition performance decides which team he will be in.

At the end of the audition performance, all the trainers liked his performance and wanted to collaborate with him. However, in the end, Taemin ended up choosing BewhY’s team to do a collaboration with.
“They utilize their skills to create something new and unique,” this thought came out from Taemin when he was interviewed about what he thought about each team. But then they successfully made a magical performance, mixed with Taemin’s groovy dance and BewhY’s calm hip-hop rap. After the performance, Taemin had an interview. He was asked how did it feel to have a collaboration with BewhY.
“He became a friend that I can open up and talk to.”

Taemin also has thought that BewhY creates such amazing music. He admires BewhY and revealed how BewhY had a positive influence on him as a fellow artist and friend. As the same-age friends, they turned out to get close with each other through this collaboration.
Behind The Stage
In the 7th episode of The Call, SHINee’s Taemin joined the force to collaborate on a song with BewhY. They met on the show, and sat together to learn more about each other.

In the episode, we can watch them having some chit-chats in order to get to know each other before doing the collaboration. After they got to know each other, they started to drop formalities and simply be friends.
In the beginning, they talked about their childhood memories and the conversation between them became quite deep. This moment was where they finally found the theme of their collaboration song. They decided to make a song with the theme “Pinocchio” which will speak about their stories of becoming artists and working in the entertainment industry.
Performance and Public Impressions

By the opening of the performance, Taemin started giving the audiences sexy moves already. He performed in a suit with blindfolded back dancers. BewhY then showed up with his fantastic and meaningful rap. They both successfully performed a hip-hop performance with pop dance. As Taemin started dancing by moving his head, we can see that his sensual and groovy dance is one of the best emotional dances of this generation.
In the show, we can see that BewhY is not just a brilliant rapper. BewhY’s natural moves are able to fit with Taemin’s style of dancing. Can we talk about how well Bewhy blends in even though he doesn’t dance much?
The netizen also left some comments on the “Pinocchio” performance video:
“Damn, this performance is legendary! The moment Taemin starts moving his head you already know the stage is gonna be on fire 💥🔥 And from that point on it only gets better and better. What an incredible collaboration. I really want to see them perform it on some huge event like MAMA! 👍👍👍They are both amazing and the song is so dope. I only wish it was a little longer… Taemin, BeWhy, thank you for this masterpiece!!! 💕💕💕”
“Omg, I have chills! This is amazing! I am nearly crying what is happening this is just music! But the lyrics are so deep and the music is so touching.”
(Source: Youtube.com)

As we can also see, while they were performing, the judges and audiences were amazed by the opening of the performance and continued enjoying the beats from “Pinocchio.”
Dance Practice
Here’s the video of them practicing the “Pinocchio” dance. In the video, you can see how much effort they put in to make sure they deliver the best performance.